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At Ntrinsiq, we are driven to bring health and comfort to people in all locations. Ntrinsiq Works was established with the intention to "do well and do good." We have made it our missions to utilize our technology to assist people in need on a worldwide scale. We intend to help NGO's, Governments and others acquire and distribute our transdermal patches at a significant discount.

Ntrinsiq: Delivering Health, Transdermally


Since the beginning of

production for the patches, we

have had 0 returns! Our 0 return

rate is a true testament to our outstanding

quality control.

Rick's Story:

In 2004 Rick, co-founder of Ntrinsiq Works, was deployed to Afghanistan while serving his enlistment in the United States Marine Corps. Prior to deployment all of his uniforms were doused and laundered in insect repellant chemicals. These chemicals are not supposed to be in contact with human skin because they are dangerous. It is our intention to offer our safe alternative, the mosquito repellant patch, to the military. 


Latest Update

February and March 2012


The three level energy patches are developed and will be launched within the next two                  months.


Our next step is to set college students up with the Square app to sell our patches and join              the Ntrinsiq team.


Also, in the developing stage are a "daily patch regiment," nutrition patches, and a                          cosmetic patch.

Useful Information


Here's a helpful website to learn more about the common ingredients that are crammed into energy drink: Energy Fiend


To learn more about transdermal patches take a look at "Transdermal Drug Delivery Systems: A Review" from pharmainfo.net


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